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Smart Skin Laser Promo


Micro-ablative Skin Resurfacing Workstation

A full-featured CO2 laser, Smartskin+ provides highly customizable, cost-effective skin resurfacing treatments for more even tone, smoother texture, and markedly reduced wrinkles.   Smartskin+ is the most advanced, customizable micro-ablative Laser Skin Resurfacing workstation available.  Unlike other systems that have ‘one-size-fits-all’ settings, Smartskin+ provides completely customizable treatment parameters to match your patients clinical needs and downtime requirements.

Pellevé RF Wrinkle Reduction

The Pellevé RF Wrinkle Reduction treatment tightens skin and reduces facial wrinkles for a younger, more refreshed look. In fact, patients who have had a Pellevé treatment say it feels like a warm facial massage.

Pelleve Wrinkle Reduction

Pelleve Wrinkle Reduction

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