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Kybella Specialist

Prestige Med

Joseph Mardanzai, MD

Aesthetic Specialist & Internal Medicine Physician located in San Ramon, San Jose, and San Juan Capistrano, CA.

Many people are unhappy with the extra fat below their chin. At Prestige Med, an Aesthetic Medicine provider in San Ramon, San Jose, and San Juan Capistrano, CA, Dr. Joseph Mardanzai can help patients get rid of their double chin with Kybella.

Kybella Q & A

What is Kybella?

Kybella is the first FDA-approved injection used to improve the appearance of submental fullness, more commonly known as a “double chin.” Patients will work with their doctor to find the right treatment program which will be tailored to help patients improve their chin’s profile. During treatment sessions, the doctor will inject Kybella into the fat beneath the chin eliminating those fat cells. Once a patient achieves his or her desired results, no additional treatments will be necessary. Many patients see results within 2-4 visits. No more than 6 treatments can be performed and should be spaced no less than a month apart from each other.

How does Kybella reduce the appearance of a double chin?

Kybella is made from a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring chemical in the body that helps absorb fat. Kybella injections eliminate the fat cells found beneath the chin, and over time, these dead cells are naturally flushed out of the body. The reduction of the fat cells beneath the chin causes the skin to tighten around the jaw, making the chin and jawline more defined. Elimination of the fat cells requires 12-20 injections per visit, and each visit should be about a month apart. Some patients see visible results after just one or two treatments, but 4-6 treatments provide optimum results for most patients.

What kind of results can I expect to see from Kybella treatments?

Many patients noticed a reduced appearance of a double chin after the first or second treatment, but a series of treatments is still recommended to see the full effects. Many patients feel that the treatments make them look younger and healthier. In most cases, It is almost impossible to target weight loss in specific parts of the body, but Kybella offers an alternative treatment to this problem. Kybella is not meant for general weight loss and is actually most effective on patients who have a healthy body weight but are troubled by the stubborn fat beneath the chin.